Validated Blueprint
Are we building the right product
We’ll develop a robust strategic plan for the new product.
This involves defining clear objectives, outlining the product's value proposition, and mapping out a roadmap for execution. Strategic planning encompasses various aspects such as product positioning, target market segmentation, pricing strategy, and go-to-market approach. We’ll facilitate brainstorming sessions and workshops to foster innovation and creativity, ensuring that the proposed solution is both feasible and compelling.
Do you have a Validated Blueprint?
See how many applies to you
☐ I have a clear product / service vision.
☐ I can discuss the supporting business model at length
☐ I can clearly articulate why the proposed solution is better than other potential options.
☐ I have an extensive list of the assumptions that must be true, in order for this vision to work.
☐ We have tested the greatest risks in the product / service, and can discuss the behavioural evidence.
☐ I have socialised the vision beyond the intended delivery team.
☐ I have clear metrics (leading) that will indicate success.
☐ I have an adoption strategy for this initiative.
Can’t tick them all? Start with a
Validated Blueprint.
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