healthcheck Mike Biggs healthcheck Mike Biggs

Products and Services: What’s in it and what it enables

Products and services are the practical manifestation of your strategy. Formally they are the things you sell, but informally there are a number of products and services that support the process of selling your core product. By defining them as discrete entities with a clear boundary allows us to invest in them, and sell them to customers.

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healthcheck Mike Biggs healthcheck Mike Biggs

Key considerations around Roadmaps

Roadmaps are a visual way to demonstrate the path ahead combining the expectations of the market, the business, and teams responsible for delivering against it. They can be created at various levels of detail, and typically outline a path for delivering on the overall organisational strategy, or that of a specific product.

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healthcheck Mike Biggs healthcheck Mike Biggs

Key considerations around Execution

Execution is the coal-face of delivery where multiple teams collaboratively deliver the items on your roadmap. Without these teams, nothing gets delivered! Given this is the engine room, having all aspects running smoothly can have the biggest impact, positively or negatively, if direction, alignment and clarity aren’t in place. 

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